Ordinance: Make ordinal regression intuitive with marginal effects

26 minute read



Howdy! Today we are going to be talking all things ordinal variables. Ordinal data is very common in applied settings. It may come in surveys where items are measured on a Likert scale (i.e., 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly agree). It may come in workforce data, where someone’s position in a company is captured. It may come in sports data, where we have finish positions in a race. Irrespective of the source, it would be disingenuous to model such data using a method that ignores its ordered categorical nature (such as fitting a linear regression model). Instead, we should use a tool developed specifically for the job.

Enter ordinal regression.

Regression for ordinal data

Ordinal regression is an extension of linear models much like a generalised linear model (GLM) is. The architecture is basically the same: Linear predictors are constructed from the covariates which are then used to model probability of membership to each level of the ordinal outcome variable. There are several ways to go about doing this: (i) we can model the levels cumulatively; (ii) adjacently; or (iii) sequentially. Regardless, we often see the trusty old logit used as the link function since it converts values into the \([0,1]\) domain of probabilities.

For our purposes, we are going to adopt the cumulative approach since it is the most common. A cumulative model assumes our outcome variable is some unknown latent variable where each level is represented by breakpoints1. Put another way, a cumulative ordinal model uses cumulative probabilities up to a threshold, thereby making the whole range of ordinal categories binary at each threshold. In practice, such an approach is typically implemented using proportional odds logistic regression. But more on that later.

Mathematically, we can express the cumulative logit model as2:

\[ \log \left( \frac{P(Y \leq j)}{P(Y > j)} \right) = \log \left(\frac{P(Y \leq j)}{1 -P(Y \leq j)} \right) = \log \left( \frac{\pi_{1} + \dots + \pi_{j}}{\pi_{j+1} + \dots + \pi_{J}} \right) \]

where our response variable \(Y\) is represented by its levels \(Y = 1, 2, \dots J\) and the associated probabilities are \(\pi_{1} + \dots + \pi_{J}\). The above equation which describes the log-odds of the event that \(Y \leq j\) and measures how likely the response is to be in category \(j\) or below versus in a category higher than \(j\).

For those familiar with GLMs, you already know how difficult to interpret log-odds are. The difficulty usually remains even after transforming to something like odds. And all of that just relates to just one (!!!) of the who-knows-how-many predictor variables you have! So what can you do? Clearly, you need to adopt a more appropriate analytical strategy.

The case for marginal effects

As stated above, interpreting regression models is hard! Especially when we have likelihoods that are non-normal that require link functions and/or the models have numerous covariates. In case it wasn’t already obvious: A coefficient in complex regression models does not tell you what you think it does.

Why is that? The coefficient is just a parameter. In the simple case of linear regression with one predictor, the coefficient tells us what we need to know. But for all other purposes, its meaningfulness is greatly diminished because it does not account for the values of the other covariates in the model. In order to interpret the effect of a given predictor on the outcome variable, we need to isolate it.

I’m going to borrow an excellent analogy from this excellent post by Andrew Heiss. Think of your regression model as an audio mixing board. Every covariate/predictor is represented on the board. Continuous predictors (such as income) are represented by sliders and categorical predictors (such as sex) are represented as switches. If we want to determine the effect of one of these switches or sliders on our outcome, we need to fix the others (i.e., hold them constant), move only the one of interest, and observe how the outcome value changes. Mathematically, this is called a partial derivative, and is represented in notation as \(\frac{\partial y}{\partial x}\). This leads us to the formal definition of a marginal effect: A marginal effect is a partial derivative from a regression equation.

Note that for categorical predictors (i.e., switches), this effect is actually called a ‘conditional effect’ or a ‘group contrast’ since a non-continuous variable does not have a slope/rate of change (i.e., a derivative). Instead, we compare the difference in means for each level of the switch (i.e., each ‘condition’).

Now, all of that should already (hopefully) sound appealing, but it gets even better! Marginal effects and the associated predictions are usually3 calculated and reported on the outcome scale of interest. This is a big deal so let me explain further. We do not need to make inferences in terms of log-odds or some other confusing measurement scale. In the case of ordinal regression4, we can instead talk about something far more intuitive and elegant: probabilities.

That’s right. The marginal effects of an ordinal regression model are expressed in terms of the probability of belonging to each level of the outcome variable. Beautiful stuff.

The dataset

Enough math and explanations! What data are we looking at? For this tutorial, we are going to explore the 2022 Australian Election Study (the ‘AES’). The AES examines important issues such as changing support for political parties, the role of the party leaders, and the importance of political issues like the economy and the environment. We are going to examine one item in particular:

Generally speaking, how much interest do you usually have in what’s going on in politics?

This item is measured on a four-point scale:

  1. A good deal
  2. Some
  3. Not much
  4. None

Clearly, we have an ordinal context. Since we want to explore differences in political interest5, we need some variables to explore differences over. We are going to use the following as predictors:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • Years of tertiary study
  • Employment status
  • Managerial status at work

Let’s load the R packages we need to get started:


Data preprocessing

Getting the dataset in a nice and clean format for what we need takes a little bit of work so bear with me here. The below code just reads in the file (which I have conveniently stored on my GitHub), filters out erroneous values, and recodes factor variables from their integer codes to qualitative labels to make our lives a little easier when visualising results. Since data cleaning isn’t the focus of this tutorial, feel free to just run this code and not dig in too deep.

aes22 <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hendersontrent/hendersontrent.github.io/master/files/aes22_unrestricted_v2.csv") %>%
  dplyr::select(c(ID, A1, G2, G4, G5_D, H1, H1b, H2)) %>%
  rename(years_tertiary_study = G2,
         work = G4,
         managerial = G5_D,
         gender = H1,
         sexual_orientation = H1b,
         dob = H2) %>%
  filter(A1 %in% c(1, 2, 3, 4)) %>%
  filter(years_tertiary_study != 999) %>%
  filter(work %in% c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) %>%
  filter(managerial %in% c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) %>%
  filter(gender %in% c(1, 2, 3)) %>%
  filter(sexual_orientation %in% c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) %>%
  filter(dob != 999) %>%
  filter(dob != -97) %>%
  mutate(age = as.integer(2022 - dob)) %>% # Age at 2022 survey
  dplyr::select(-c(dob)) %>%
  mutate(gender = case_when(
          gender == "1" ~ "Male",
          gender == "2" ~ "Female",
          gender == "3" ~ "Other")) %>%
  mutate(sexual_orientation = case_when(
    sexual_orientation == "1" ~ "Heterosexual or Straight",
    sexual_orientation == "2" ~ "Gay or Lesbian",
    sexual_orientation == "3" ~ "Bisexual",
    sexual_orientation == "4" ~ "Other",
    sexual_orientation == "5" ~ "Prefer not to say")) %>%
  mutate(work = case_when(
    work == "1" ~ "Working full-time for pay",
    work == "2" ~ "Working part-time for pay",
    work == "3" ~ "Unemployed - looking for full-time work",
    work == "4" ~ "Unemployed - looking for part-time work",
    work == "5" ~ "Retired from paid work",
    work == "6" ~ "A full-time school or university student",
    work == "7" ~ "Family or caring responsibilities")) %>%
  mutate(managerial = case_when(
    managerial == "1" ~ "Upper managerial",
    managerial == "2" ~ "Middle managerial",
    managerial == "3" ~ "Lower managerial",
    managerial == "4" ~ "Supervisory",
    managerial == "5" ~ "Non-supervisory")) %>%
  mutate(A1 = case_when(
          A1 == "4" ~ "None",
          A1 == "3" ~ "Not much",
          A1 == "2" ~ "Some",
          A1 == "1" ~ "A good deal")) %>%
  mutate(A1 = factor(A1, levels = c("None", "Not much", "Some", "A good deal"), ordered = TRUE),
         managerial = factor(managerial, 
                             levels = c("Non-supervisory", "Supervisory", 
                                        "Lower managerial", "Middle managerial", 
                                        "Upper managerial"), 
                             ordered = TRUE),
         gender = as.factor(gender),
         sexual_orientation = as.factor(sexual_orientation),
         work = as.factor(work),
         years_tertiary_study = as.integer(years_tertiary_study))

Statistical modelling

Typically, we would do extensive exploratory data analysis prior to conducting any statistical modelling. But this is a modelling and marginal effects tutorial and not a research paper, so we will skip it here6. Please do not skip this stage in your own work!

The easiest function for fitting a proportional odds logistic regression (i.e., ordinal regression) in R is the polr function in the MASS package7. The interface is the same as other R regression functions, such as lm. Note that by default, polr uses the logit link function, so we do not need to explicitly specify it. Here is the model:

mod <- polr(A1 ~ years_tertiary_study + work + managerial +
              gender + sexual_orientation + age,
            data = aes22)

We are also going to skip over model diagnostics and checks and all of that here so we can get to the crux of the tutorial content. We can print a quick summary of mod to obtain coefficient values, intercepts for each cumulative threshold, and other information:

## Call:
## polr(formula = A1 ~ years_tertiary_study + work + managerial + 
##     gender + sexual_orientation + age, data = aes22)
## Coefficients:
##                                                Value Std. Error t value
## years_tertiary_study                         0.09898   0.016491  6.0022
## workFamily or caring responsibilities       -0.88470   0.422507 -2.0939
## workRetired from paid work                  -0.44590   0.394436 -1.1305
## workUnemployed - looking for full-time work -0.40188   0.573699 -0.7005
## workUnemployed - looking for part-time work -0.69857   0.566880 -1.2323
## workWorking full-time for pay               -0.64700   0.362709 -1.7838
## workWorking part-time for pay               -0.78457   0.371394 -2.1125
## managerial.L                                 0.51695   0.100317  5.1531
## managerial.Q                                 0.06986   0.105543  0.6619
## managerial.C                                -0.02053   0.105220 -0.1951
## managerial^4                                -0.34185   0.115103 -2.9699
## genderMale                                   0.40115   0.095092  4.2185
## genderOther                                  2.65070   1.329392  1.9939
## sexual_orientationGay or Lesbian            -0.51216   0.423282 -1.2100
## sexual_orientationHeterosexual or Straight  -1.13469   0.313564 -3.6187
## sexual_orientationOther                     -1.75812   0.554949 -3.1681
## age                                          0.03101   0.003983  7.7852
## Intercepts:
##                  Value   Std. Error t value
## None|Not much    -3.8626  0.4946    -7.8092
## Not much|Some    -1.3382  0.4639    -2.8846
## Some|A good deal  0.8813  0.4635     1.9014
## Residual Deviance: 3769.865 
## AIC: 3809.865

However, as noted above, these are quite prohibitive to interpret. So, we are going to turn to our friend marginal effects for emotional and computational support.

Marginal effects

Marginal effects can be calculated in R a few different ways and often with very different methods/quantities behind the scenes. We are going to use the excellent marginaleffects package for our purposes. Seriously, please visit that link and look through the incredibly detailed documentation. It’s basically my web browser home page at this point.

The marginaleffects package affords an honestly astonishing amount of functionality. As a starting point, we are going to focus on three types of quantities:

  1. Predictions
  2. Slopes
  3. Comparisons


In the context of marginaleffects, an adjusted prediction is the outcome predicted by a fitted model on a specified scale for a given combination of values of the predictor variables, such as their observed values, their means, or factor levels. That’s a lot of words to say that we can calculate predicted values for any given subset of the data used in the model. In the most extreme case, we can calculate predictions for a given predictor which are averaged over the values of all other predictors. This procedure is extremely useful for answering questions in practice, since we often want to account for the values of other variables while exploring the effects of the focal variable, rather than just holding the others constant.

In marginaleffects, this is easy through the predictions function (and the associated plot_predictions visualisation function). Let’s examine age. We’ll be sure to specify that we want our output (i.e., \(y\)-axis) to be probabilities:

plot_predictions(mod, condition = "age", type = "probs") + 
  facet_wrap(~factor(group, levels = c("None", "Not much", "Some", "A good deal")), 
             nrow = 1)

Beautiful! We see that as age increases, the predicted probability of rating political interest as ‘A good deal’ increases almost linearly. Compare that to ‘Not much’, where as age increases, the predicted probability of scarce political interest decreases. These results are far, far more interpretable and immediately practically meaningful than trying to dredge understanding out of log-odds coefficients.

Let’s look at a few more examples. Here is years of tertiary study:

plot_predictions(mod, condition = "years_tertiary_study", type = "probs") + 
  facet_wrap(~factor(group, levels = c("None", "Not much", "Some", "A good deal")), 
             nrow = 1)

We see similar results to age which is somewhat unsurprising.

How about categorical predictors? Here is gender:

plot_predictions(mod, condition = "gender", type = "probs") + 
  facet_wrap(~factor(group, levels = c("None", "Not much", "Some", "A good deal")), 
             nrow = 1)

As expected, we do not get nice smooth curves like we did for numerical variables but instead get point estimates for the factor level along with the associated confidence interval. From this plot, it appears that respondents with a gender outside the binary system may be more likely to express ‘A good deal’ of political interest than males or females. Again, how intuitive is this to interpret!

Let’s do one more. Here is employment managerial status:

plot_predictions(mod, condition = "managerial", type = "probs") + 
  facet_wrap(~factor(group, levels = c("None", "Not much", "Some", "A good deal")), 
             nrow = 1) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))

We see that respondents in middle and upper managerial positions may be more likely to express ‘A good deal’ of political interest than others. Interestingly, probabilities of rating ‘Some’, ‘Not much’, and ‘None’ are quite similar between managerial positions.

A more specific example

The above plots are both interesting and useful, but we need to go deeper. In other words, this is where the fun begins8.

Consider the following hypothetical AES respondent: A man who studied for 12 years at university, currently works full-time for pay, is a middle manager at work, is bisexual, and is 30 years old. We can define this individual in a data frame:

respondent <- data.frame(years_tertiary_study = 12, work = "Working full-time for pay",
                         managerial = "Middle managerial", sexual_orientation = "Bisexual",
                         age = 30, gender = "Male")

We can easily calculate the expected predicted probability for each outcome level (political interest) for this person:

predictions(mod, newdata = respondent)
##        Group Estimate Std. Error     z Pr(>|z|)     S    2.5 %  97.5 %
##  None         0.00234   0.000933  2.51  0.01222   6.4 0.000509 0.00417
##  Not much     0.02609   0.009061  2.88  0.00399   8.0 0.008328 0.04385
##  Some         0.18370   0.048728  3.77  < 0.001  12.6 0.088195 0.27920
##  A good deal  0.78787   0.058370 13.50  < 0.001 135.5 0.673472 0.90228
##  years_tertiary_study                      work        managerial
##                    12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##                    12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##                    12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##                    12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##  sexual_orientation age gender
##            Bisexual  30   Male
##            Bisexual  30   Male
##            Bisexual  30   Male
##            Bisexual  30   Male
## Columns: rowid, group, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, years_tertiary_study, work, managerial, sexual_orientation, age, gender, A1

We see that the probability this person rates their political interest as ‘A good deal’ is \(79\%\), ‘Some’ is \(18\%\), ‘Not much’ is \(3\%\), and ‘None’ is almost \(0\%\). How cool is that!


Slopes. Partial derivatives. Marginal effects. The rate of change at which the probability of our outcome changes with respect to a given variable.

Calculation of these quantities is made easy in marginaleffects through the slopes() function. Continuing with our hypothetical respondent, we can calculate the slopes for a given variable. Here is age:

slopes(mod, variables = "age", newdata = respondent)
##        Group Term   Estimate Std. Error     z Pr(>|z|)    S     2.5 %    97.5 %
##  None         age -0.0000723  0.0000302 -2.39  0.01680  5.9 -0.000132 -0.000013
##  Not much     age -0.0007839  0.0002842 -2.76  0.00581  7.4 -0.001341 -0.000227
##  Some         age -0.0043257  0.0009707 -4.46  < 0.001 16.9 -0.006228 -0.002423
##  A good deal  age  0.0051820  0.0012653  4.10  < 0.001 14.5  0.002702  0.007662
##  years_tertiary_study                      work        managerial
##                    12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##                    12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##                    12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##                    12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##  sexual_orientation age gender
##            Bisexual  30   Male
##            Bisexual  30   Male
##            Bisexual  30   Male
##            Bisexual  30   Male
## Columns: rowid, group, term, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted, predicted_hi, predicted_lo, years_tertiary_study, work, managerial, sexual_orientation, age, gender, A1

And here is years of tertiary study:

slopes(mod, variables = "years_tertiary_study", newdata = respondent)
##        Group                 Term  Estimate Std. Error     z Pr(>|z|)    S
##  None        years_tertiary_study -0.000231  0.0000873 -2.64  0.00820  6.9
##  Not much    years_tertiary_study -0.002502  0.0007962 -3.14  0.00167  9.2
##  Some        years_tertiary_study -0.013808  0.0027294 -5.06  < 0.001 21.2
##  A good deal years_tertiary_study  0.016541  0.0035167  4.70  < 0.001 18.6
##      2.5 %     97.5 % years_tertiary_study                      work
##  -0.000402 -0.0000597                   12 Working full-time for pay
##  -0.004063 -0.0009418                   12 Working full-time for pay
##  -0.019158 -0.0084586                   12 Working full-time for pay
##   0.009649  0.0234341                   12 Working full-time for pay
##         managerial sexual_orientation age gender
##  Middle managerial           Bisexual  30   Male
##  Middle managerial           Bisexual  30   Male
##  Middle managerial           Bisexual  30   Male
##  Middle managerial           Bisexual  30   Male
## Columns: rowid, group, term, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted, predicted_hi, predicted_lo, years_tertiary_study, work, managerial, sexual_orientation, age, gender, A1

Alternatively, we can calculate average marginal effects using avg_slopes(), which are similar to the slopes() call but the same computation is repeated for every row of the original dataset, and then the average slope for each level of the outcome variable is reported:

##        Group                 Term
##  None        years_tertiary_study
##  None        work                
##  None        work                
##  None        work                
##  None        work                
##                                                                            Contrast
##  dY/dX                                                                             
##  Family or caring responsibilities - A full-time school or university student      
##  Retired from paid work - A full-time school or university student                 
##  Unemployed - looking for full-time work - A full-time school or university student
##  Unemployed - looking for part-time work - A full-time school or university student
##  Estimate Std. Error      z Pr(>|z|)    S     2.5 %    97.5 %
##  -0.00151   0.000365 -4.126   <0.001 14.7 -0.002222 -0.000791
##   0.01152   0.005575  2.066   0.0388  4.7  0.000591  0.022446
##   0.00461   0.003619  1.273   0.2030  2.3 -0.002486  0.011700
##   0.00406   0.006257  0.649   0.5165  1.0 -0.008205  0.016323
##   0.00823   0.007811  1.054   0.2918  1.8 -0.007075  0.023545
## --- 58 rows omitted. See ?print.marginaleffects --- 
##  A good deal gender              
##  A good deal sexual_orientation  
##  A good deal sexual_orientation  
##  A good deal sexual_orientation  
##  A good deal age                 
##                                                                            Contrast
##  Other - Female                                                                    
##  Gay or Lesbian - Bisexual                                                         
##  Heterosexual or Straight - Bisexual                                               
##  Other - Bisexual                                                                  
##  dY/dX                                                                             
##  Estimate Std. Error      z Pr(>|z|)    S     2.5 %    97.5 %
##   0.47911   0.134333  3.567   <0.001 11.4  0.215821  0.742398
##  -0.10433   0.085494 -1.220   0.2224  2.2 -0.271892  0.063240
##  -0.23807   0.060119 -3.960   <0.001 13.7 -0.355904 -0.120243
##  -0.36413   0.104987 -3.468   <0.001 10.9 -0.569901 -0.158358
##   0.00661   0.000817  8.094   <0.001 50.6  0.005012  0.008215
## Columns: group, term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high

Together, these functions enable us to infer a great many things about how the rate of change of the probability of outcome category membership varies as a function of a given predictor variable. Useful stuff!


So far, we have computed adjusted predictions and slopes. What else can we do? A whole lot, but for now we’re just going to explore comparisons. We are going to continue using our hypothetical AES respondent from above.

We can ask lots of interesting questions about this person from a comparative lens, such as ‘what happens to the predicted probability of their political interest if we increased their age by 1?’ Or ‘what happens to the predicted probability of their political interest if they were instead female?’ The comparisons function provides answers to these questions.

Let’s calculate the comparisons first:

comps <- comparisons(mod, newdata = respondent)
##  Group                 Term
##   None years_tertiary_study
##   None work                
##   None work                
##   None work                
##   None work                
##   None work                
##                                                                            Contrast
##  +1                                                                                
##  Family or caring responsibilities - A full-time school or university student      
##  Retired from paid work - A full-time school or university student                 
##  Unemployed - looking for full-time work - A full-time school or university student
##  Unemployed - looking for part-time work - A full-time school or university student
##  Working full-time for pay - A full-time school or university student              
##   Estimate Std. Error      z Pr(>|z|)   S     2.5 %     97.5 %
##  -0.000231  0.0000874 -2.644   0.0082 6.9 -0.000402 -0.0000597
##   0.001738  0.0010737  1.619   0.1055 3.2 -0.000366  0.0038425
##   0.000687  0.0006028  1.140   0.2542 2.0 -0.000494  0.0018689
##   0.000605  0.0009575  0.632   0.5274 0.9 -0.001271  0.0024818
##   0.001236  0.0012819  0.964   0.3350 1.6 -0.001277  0.0037485
##   0.001113  0.0006367  1.747   0.0806 3.6 -0.000135  0.0023604
##  years_tertiary_study                      work        managerial
##                    12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##                    12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##                    12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##                    12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##                    12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##                    12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##  sexual_orientation age gender
##            Bisexual  30   Male
##            Bisexual  30   Male
##            Bisexual  30   Male
##            Bisexual  30   Male
##            Bisexual  30   Male
##            Bisexual  30   Male
## Columns: rowid, group, term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted, predicted_hi, predicted_lo, years_tertiary_study, work, managerial, sexual_orientation, age, gender, A1

That’s a lot of information! Let’s narrow it down to make it a bit easier to interrogate. Here is age:

comps %>%
  filter(term == "age")
##        Group Term Contrast   Estimate Std. Error     z Pr(>|z|)    S     2.5 %
##  None         age       +1 -0.0000723  0.0000303 -2.39  0.01680  5.9 -0.000132
##  Not much     age       +1 -0.0007841  0.0002842 -2.76  0.00581  7.4 -0.001341
##  Some         age       +1 -0.0043260  0.0009706 -4.46  < 0.001 16.9 -0.006228
##  A good deal  age       +1  0.0051824  0.0012654  4.10  < 0.001 14.5  0.002702
##     97.5 % years_tertiary_study                      work        managerial
##  -0.000013                   12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##  -0.000227                   12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##  -0.002424                   12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##   0.007662                   12 Working full-time for pay Middle managerial
##  sexual_orientation age gender
##            Bisexual  30   Male
##            Bisexual  30   Male
##            Bisexual  30   Male
##            Bisexual  30   Male
## Columns: rowid, group, term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted, predicted_hi, predicted_lo, years_tertiary_study, work, managerial, sexual_orientation, age, gender, A1

We see that an increase of 1 year of age (as evidenced by Contrast being +1) is associated with decreases in the probability of rating political interest as ‘None’, ‘Not much’, and ‘Some’, but an increase in the probability of rating ‘A good deal’ by about \(0.5\) percentage points. Neat!

What about gender? Let’s focus on the effect associated with a change from Male to Female:

comps %>%
  filter(term == "gender") %>%
  filter(grepl("Male", contrast))
##        Group   Term      Contrast Estimate Std. Error     z Pr(>|z|)    S
##  None        gender Male - Female -0.00115   0.000511 -2.25   0.0245  5.4
##  Not much    gender Male - Female -0.01229   0.004782 -2.57   0.0102  6.6
##  Some        gender Male - Female -0.06123   0.016425 -3.73   <0.001 12.3
##  A good deal gender Male - Female  0.07467   0.021208  3.52   <0.001 11.2
##     2.5 %    97.5 % years_tertiary_study                      work
##  -0.00215 -0.000148                   12 Working full-time for pay
##  -0.02166 -0.002919                   12 Working full-time for pay
##  -0.09342 -0.029034                   12 Working full-time for pay
##   0.03310  0.116233                   12 Working full-time for pay
##         managerial sexual_orientation age gender
##  Middle managerial           Bisexual  30   Male
##  Middle managerial           Bisexual  30   Male
##  Middle managerial           Bisexual  30   Male
##  Middle managerial           Bisexual  30   Male
## Columns: rowid, group, term, contrast, estimate, std.error, statistic, p.value, s.value, conf.low, conf.high, predicted, predicted_hi, predicted_lo, years_tertiary_study, work, managerial, sexual_orientation, age, gender, A1

Changing gender to Female and keeping everything else the same is associated with decreases in the probability of rating political interest as ‘None’, ‘Not much’, and ‘Some’, but an increase in the probability of rating ‘A good deal’ (by about \(7\) percentage points). Hopefully now it’s evident just how intuitive complex models like ordinal regression become when interpreted using appropriate tools!

Final thoughts

Thanks for making it to the end! Hopefully this post has inspired you to leave the world of coefficient interpretation in favour of more desirable shores. As an aside, this dataset is incredibly interesting, so maybe I will revisit it sometime. There is a panel data version where respondents across time were tracked, so maybe I will do something with that!

As always, please feel free to reach out to me via email if you have any questions or just want to talk about stats.

  1. Agresti, A. (2002) Categorical Data. Second edition. Wiley.↩︎

  2. https://online.stat.psu.edu/stat504/lesson/8/8.4↩︎

  3. But not always. Sometimes you may have use for values on the link scale or otherwise.↩︎

  4. The beauty of outcome scales extends to other models, too. For example, marginal effects calculated on a Poisson model will give you results in terms of counts.↩︎

  5. This is my high-level summary term for what the survey item measures.↩︎

  6. I did do some for my own sanity, however.↩︎

  7. Although I think everyone should go Bayes and use Stan or brms.↩︎

  8. Okay, okay. I’ll stop!↩︎